Insomnia and work conducted as part of the REST project was highlighted on ITVs Tonight programme, ‘Waking up to insomnia’ Further details are available at: …Continue Reading REST project highlighted in ITV Tonight documentary: ‘Waking up to insomnia’
Year: 2011
REST presented at RSM & MHF event on Sleep and mental health
The REST project was presented at a one day event hosted by the Royal Society of Medicine and the Mental Health Foundation which focused on ‘Sleep and mental health‘ as part of their Mental Health Awareness Week 2011 campaign on sleep. To see the lecture click here. …Continue Reading REST presented at RSM & MHF event on Sleep and mental health
REST leads to new EPSRC funded study: ENACT
ENACT: Exploring social Networks to Augment Cognitive behavioural Therapy is led by Prof Shaun Lawson with co-investigators Prof Niroshan Siriwardena, Prof Kevin Morgan and Dr Kate Cavanagh is funded through the EPSRC “Healthcare Partnerships” programme to improve the uptake, adherence and completion rates of those referred to Computerised Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CCBT) interventions using the power of…Continue Reading REST leads to new EPSRC funded study: ENACT
Niro Siriwardena talks to Prof Colin Espie about insomnia in primary care
Niro Siriwardena talks about how learning from the REST project has led to improvements in how people with insomnia can be helped by GPs and nurses in primary care using better assessment methods and psychological approaches including CBTi. Interview by Professor Colin Espie, November 2010….Continue Reading Niro Siriwardena talks to Prof Colin Espie about insomnia in primary care
REST provides alternatives to sleeping tablets
The REST project is included the Mental Health Research Network Magazine, ‘Mental health research can help all of us‘ (page 5, February 2011)….Continue Reading REST provides alternatives to sleeping tablets
REST educational programme supported by EMHIEC
19/04/2011The REST team has been awarded funding through East Midlands Health Innovation Educational Cluster (EMHIEC) to deliver a programme of blended learning for primary care practitioners in the management of insomnia and sleep problems: Improving Primary Care Resources for Effective Sleep Treatment (IPCREST). …Continue Reading REST educational programme supported by EMHIEC